Authentication and Privacy
Every Apex API call requires authentication, specifically the vendor key and vendor password. Every call also requires the vendor site ID, which identifies the client.
To obtain a vendor key and password, please contact Sales at Apex EDI at Apex EDI will set up a test account for you.
The vendor key and vendor password are passed in the HTTPS Basic Authorization header. The vendor key and the vendor password should be concatenated together, separated by a colon, and then base-64 encoded. The resulting encoded value should be passed as the value of the HTTPS Basic Authorization header. For example, if the vendor key were abc123 and the vendor password were def456, they would be concatenated together to form the string abc123:def456. This string would then be base-64 encoded to yield the string YWJjMTIzOmRlZjQ1Ng==. This string would be passed as the value of the Basic Authorization header.
Apex issues a vendor site ID to its vendor partner to identify a particular client on whose behalf the vendor communicates with Apex. To identify the client, the vendor site ID must be included in each call in which a client must be identified. The vendor site ID is supplied as a query parameter, where the key is vendorSiteId and the value is the vendor site ID itself. Of course, the vendor site ID must be URL encoded, but since vendor site IDs typically do not contain characters that must be escaped, the result of URL encoding the vendor site ID is usually just the vendor site ID itself, unchanged.
Curl Example
curl -X POST<vendorSiteId> ^
--header "Authorization: Basic <vendorkey:vendorPassword as base64 encoded string>" ^
--header "Content-Type: application/json" ^
--data <Claim data as json>
To maintain the privacy of confidential information, HTTPS / TLS is required for all API calls.