Medical Claim Field Reference
This table documents the fields that may be used when submitting Medical claims. The Required column indicates whether the field is required on all claims. Optional fields may be required in certain situations. The Level column indicates whether the field appears at the claim level or the service line level of the claim.
For more definitions of the various enumerations, see Enumerations.
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Level | CMS 1500 Claim Form Locator | 837P | General Notes | Name of JSON Field | Data Type | Min Value or Length | Max Value or Length | Required? | |||
Item Number | Title | Loop ID | Segment/Data Element | Notes | |||||||
Claim | Apex | Apex Payer ID | Apex_PayerId | string | Y | ||||||
Claim | Apex | Vendor Claim ID | Apex_VendorClaimId | string | 1 | 50 | Y | ||||
Claim | header | Payer Name | 2010BB | NM103 | Carrier Block | F00_PayerName | string | 1 | 60 | Y | |
Claim | header | Payer Address 1 | 2010BB | N301 | Carrier Block | F00_PayerAddress1 | string | 1 | 55 | N | |
Claim | header | Payer Address 2 | 2010BB | N302 | Carrier Block | F00_PayerAddress2 | string | 1 | 55 | N | |
Claim | header | Payer City | 2010BB | N401 | Carrier Block | F00_PayerCity | string | 2 | 30 | N | |
Claim | header | Payer State | 2010BB | N402 | Carrier Block | F00_PayerState | string | 2 | 2 | N | |
Claim | header | Payer Zip | 2010BB | N403 | Carrier Block | F00_PayerZip | string | 3 | 15 | N | |
Claim | 1 | Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE, CHAMPVA, Group Health Plan, FECA, Black Lung, Other | 2000B | SBR09 | Claim Filing Indicator Code in the 837P. | F01_ClaimType | ClaimCoverageType enumeration | N | |||
Claim | 1a | Insured's ID Number | 2010BA | NM109 | Subscriber Primary Identifier in the 837P. | F01A_InsuredId | string | 2 | 80 | Y | |
Claim | 2 | Patient's Last Name | 2010CA or 2010BA | NM103 | F02_PatientNameLast | string | 1 | 60 | Y | ||
Claim | 2 | Patient's First Name | 2010CA or 2010BA | NM104 | F02_PatientNameFirst | string | 1 | 35 | Y | ||
Claim | 2 | Patient's Middle Name | 2010CA or 2010BA | NM105 | F02_PatientNameMiddle | string | 1 | 25 | N | ||
Claim | 2 | Patient's Suffix | 2010CA or 2010BA | NM107 | F02_PatientSuffix | string | 1 | 10 | N | ||
Claim | 3 | Patient's Birth Date | 2010CA or 2010BA | DMG02 | F03_PatientDob | date YYYY-MM-DD | 10 | 10 | Y | ||
Claim | 3 | Patient's Sex | 2010CA or 2010BA | DMG03 | Sex is Gender in the 837P. | M, F, Unknown | F03_PatientSex | Sex enumeration | Y | ||
Claim | 4 | Insured's Name | 2010BA | NM103 | Subscriber in the 837P. | F04_InsuredNameLast | string | 1 | 60 | y | |
Claim | 4 | Insured's Name | 2010BA | NM104 | Subscriber in the 837P. | F04_InsuredNameFirst | string | 1 | 35 | N | |
Claim | 4 | Insured's Name | 2010BA | NM105 | Subscriber in the 837P. | F04_InsuredNameMiddle | string | 1 | 25 | N | |
Claim | 4 | Insured's Name | 2010BA | NM107 | Subscriber in the 837P. | F04_InsuredSuffix | string | 1 | 10 | N | |
Claim | 5 | Patient's Address | 2010CA | N301 | F05_PatientAddress1 | string | 55 | N | |||
Claim | 5 | Patient's Address | 2010CA | N302 | F05_PatientAddress2 | string | 55 | N | |||
Claim | 5 | Patient's Address | 2010CA | N401 | F05_PatientCity | string | 2 | 30 | Y | ||
Claim | 5 | Patient's Address | 2010CA | N402 | F05_PatientState | string | 2 | 2 | Y | ||
Claim | 5 | Patient's Address | 2010CA | N403 | F05_PatientZip | string | 3 | 15 | Y | ||
Claim | 6 | Patient Relationship to Insured | 2000B 2000C | SBR02 PAT01 | Individual Relationship Code in the 837P. | Of the relationships in the enumeration, only Child, Other, Self, and Spouse are accepted in this context. | F06_PatientRelationshipToInsured | Relationship enumeration | Y | ||
Claim | 7 | Insured's Address | 2010BA | N301 | Subscriber Address in the 837P. | F07_InsuredAddress1 | string | 55 | Y | ||
Claim | 7 | Insured's Address | 2010BA | N302 | Subscriber Address in the 837P. | F07_InsuredAddress2 | string | 55 | N | ||
Claim | 7 | Insured's Address | 2010BA | N401 | Subscriber Address in the 837P. | F07_InsuredCity | string | 2 | 30 | Y | |
Claim | 7 | Insured's Address | 2010BA | N402 | Subscriber Address in the 837P. | F07_InsuredState | string | 2 | 2 | Y | |
Claim | 7 | Insured's Address | 2010BA | N403 | Subscriber Address in the 837P. | F07_InsuredZip | string | 3 | 15 | Y | |
Claim | 9 | Other Insured's Name | 2330A | NM103 | Other Subscriber Name in the 837P. | F09_OtherInsuredNameLast | string | 1 | 60 | N | |
Claim | 9 | Other Insured's Name | 2330A | NM104 | Other Subscriber Name in the 837P. | F09_OtherInsuredNameFirst | string | 35 | N | ||
Claim | 9 | Other Insured's Name | 2330A | NM105 | Other Subscriber Name in the 837P. | F09_OtherInsuredNameMiddle | string | 25 | N | ||
Claim | 9 | Other Insured's Name | 2330A | NM107 | Other Subscriber Name in the 837P. | F09_OtherInsuredSuffix | string | 10 | N | ||
Claim | 9 | Other Insured's relation to patient | F09_PatientRelationshipToInsured | Relationship enumeration | N | ||||||
Claim | 9a | Other Insured's Policy or Group Number | 2320 | SBR03 | Insured Group or Policy Number in the 837P. | F09A_OtherInsuredGroupNum | string | 50 | N | ||
Claim | 9d | Insurance Plan Name or Program Name | 2320 | SBR04 | Other Insured Group Name in the 837P. | F09D_OtherPlanName | string | 60 | N | ||
Claim | 10a | Is Patient's Condition Related to: Employment | 2300 | CLM11-1, CLM11-2, CLM11-3 | Related Causes Code in the 837P. | Boolean - true/false | F10A_PatientCondEmployment | boolean | N | ||
Claim | 10b | Is Patient's Condition Related to: Auto Accident | 2300 | CLM11-1, CLM11-2, CLM11-3 | Related Causes Code in the 837P. | F10B_PatientCondAutoAccident - Boolean true/false | boolean | N | |||
Claim | 10b | Is Patient's Condition Related to: Auto Accident | 2300 | CLM11-4 | Related Causes Code in the 837P. | If F10B_PatientCondAutoAccident is set, then set F10B_PatientCondAutoAccidentState. | F10B_PatientCondAutoAccidentState | string | 2 | 2 | N |
Claim | 10c | Is Patient's Condition Related to: Other Accident | 2300 | CLM11-1, CLM11-2, CLM11-3 | Related Causes Code in the 837P. | F10C_PatientCondOtherAccident - Boolean true/false | boolean | N | |||
Claim | 11 | Insured's Policy, Group, or FECA Number | 2000B | SBR03 | Subscriber Group or Policy Number in the 837P. | F11_InsuredsPolicyGroupOrFecaNumber | string | 1 | 50 | N | |
Claim | 11a | Insured's Date of Birth | 2010BA | DMG02 | Subscriber Birth Date in the 837P. | F11A_InsuredDob | date YYYY-MM-DD | 10 | 10 | Y | |
Claim | 11a | Insured's Date of Birth, Sex | 2010BA | DMG03 | Subscriber Gender Code in the 837P. | M, F, Unknown | F11A_InsuredSex | Sex enumeration | Y | ||
Claim | 11c | Insurance Plan Name or Program Name | 2000B | SBR04 | Subscriber Group Name in the 837P. | F11C_PlanName | string | 29 | N | ||
Claim | 12 | Patient's or Authorized Person's Signature | 2300 | CLM09 | Release of Information Code in the 837P. | F12_PatientAuthorization Yes, InformedConsent | PatientAuthorization enumeration | Y | |||
Claim | 12 | Patient's or Authorized Person's Signature Date | 2300 | CLM09 | Release of Information Code in the 837P. | F12_PatientAuthorizationDate | date YYYY-MM-DD | 10 | 10 | N | |
Claim | 13 | Insured's or Authorized Persons Signature | 2300 | CLM08 | Benefits Assignment Certification Indicator in the 837P. | F13_InsuredAuthorization | InsuredAuthorization enumeration | Y | |||
Claim | 14 | Date of Current Illness, Injury, Pregnancy | 2300 | DTP01 DTP03 | In the 837P: Date - Onset of Current Illness or Symptom Qualifier 431 | F14_DateOfCurrentIllnessOrSymptom | date YYYY-MM-DD | 10 | 10 | N | |
Claim | 14 | Date of Current Illness, Injury, Pregnancy | 2300 | DTP01 DTP03 | In the 837P: Date - Last Menstrual Period Qualifier 484 | F14_LastMenstrualPeriodDate | date YYYY-MM-DD | 10 | 10 | N | |
Claim | 15 | Other Date (previously If Patient Has Had Same or Similar Illness) | 2300 | DTP03 | Titled in the 837P: Date - Initial Treatment Date. Qualifier 454 | F15_InitialTreatmentDate | date YYYY-MM-DD | 10 | 10 | N | |
Claim | 15 | Other Date (previously If Patient Has Had Same or Similar Illness) | 2300 | DTP03 | Titled in the 837P: Date - Last Seen Date. Qualifier 304 | F15_LastSeenDate | date YYYY-MM-DD | 10 | 10 | N | |
Claim | 15 | Other Date (previously If Patient Has Had Same or Similar Illness) | 2300 | DTP03 | Titled in the 837P: Date - Acute Manifestation. Qualifier 453 F15_AcuteManifestionDate Required when Loop ID-2300 CR208 = "A" or "M", the claim involves spinal manipulation, and the payer is Medicare. If not required by this implementation guide, do not send. | This field is required when X12_AcuteManifestationCode is set to "AcuteCondition" or "AcuteManifestationOfAChronicCondition". | F15_AcuteManifestionDate | date YYYY-MM-DD | 10 | 10 | N |
Claim | 15 | Other Date (previously If Patient Has Had Same or Similar Illness) | 2300 | DTP03 | Titled in the 837P: Date - Accident. Qualifier 439 | F15_AccidentDate | date YYYY-MM-DD | 10 | 10 | N | |
Claim | 15 | Other Date (previously If Patient Has Had Same or Similar Illness) | 2300 | DTP03 | Titled in the 837P: Date - Last X-ray Date. Qualifier 455 | F15_LastXRayDate | date YYYY-MM-DD | 10 | 10 | N | |
Claim | 15 | Other Date (previously If Patient Has Had Same or Similar Illness) | 2300 | DTP03 | Titled in the 837P: Date - Hearing and Vision Prescription Date. Qualifier 471 | F15_HearingAndVisionPrescriptionDate | date YYYY-MM-DD | 10 | 10 | N | |
Claim | 15 | Other Date (previously If Patient Has Had Same or Similar Illness) | 2300 | DTP03 | Titled in the 837P: Date - Assumed and Relinquished Care Dates. Qualifier 090 | F15_AssumedCareStartDate | date YYYY-MM-DD | 10 | 10 | N | |
Claim | 15 | Other Date (previously If Patient Has Had Same or Similar Illness) | 2300 | DTP03 | Titled in the 837P: Date - Assumed and Relinquished Care Dates. Qualifier 091 | F15_AssumedCareEndDate | date YYYY-MM-DD | 10 | 10 | N | |
Claim | 15 | Other Date (previously If Patient Has Had Same or Similar Illness) | 2300 | DTP03 | Titled in the 837P: Date - Property and Casualty Date of First Contact. Qualifier 444 | F15_PropertyCasualtyFirstContactDate | date YYYY-MM-DD | 10 | 10 | N | |
Claim | X12 | Dates Patient Unable to Work in Current Occupation | 2300 | DTP03 qualifier 360 | Crosswalk: Disability From Date and Work Return Date in the 837P. Apex: DTP - DATE - DISABILITY DATES, Implementation Name for DTP03 is Disability From Date Qualifier 360 Either neither or both of F15_DisabilityDateFrom and F15_DisabilityDateTo must be set, in order to match the behavior of our electronic claim form. If both are set, they go in a single DTP segment with a qualifier of 314 and a syntax of RD8. | If X12_DisabilityDateTo is set, then this field must also be set. | X12_DisabilityDateFrom | date YYYY-MM-DD | 10 | 10 | N |
Claim | X12 | Dates Patient Unable to Work in Current Occupation | 2300 | DTP03 qualifier 361 | Crosswalk: Disability From Date and Work Return Date in the 837P. If both are set, they go in a single DTP segment with a qualifier of 314 and a syntax of RD8. Apex: DTP - DATE - DISABILITY DATES, Implementation Name for DTP03 is Disability From Date Qualifier 361 (DTP02 data element) | Either neither or both of F15_DisabilityDateFrom and F15_DisabilityDateTo must be set, in order to match the behavior of our electronic claim form. If X12_DisabilityDateFrom is set, then this field must also be set. | X12_DisabilityDateTo | date YYYY-MM-DD | 10 | 10 | N |
Claim | 16 | Dates Patient Unable to Work in Current Occupation | 2300 | DTP03 qualifier 297 | Apex: Use this for F16 instead of Disability Date From. DTP - DATE - LAST WORKED, Implementation Name for DTP03 is Work Return Date. Qualifier 297 | F16_LastWorkedDate | date YYYY-MM-DD | 10 | 10 | N | |
Claim | 16 | Dates Patient Unable to Work in Current Occupation | 2300 | DTP03 qualifier 296 | Crosswalk: Work Return Date in the 837P. DTP - DATE - AUTHORIZED RETURN TO WORK, Implementation Name for DTP03 is Work Return Date. Qualifier 296 | F16_AuthorizedReturnedToWorkDate | date YYYY-MM-DD | 10 | 10 | N | |
Claim | 17 | Name of Referring Provider or Other Source | 2310A | NM103 | Qualifier DN | Last Name | F17_ReferringProviderNameLast | 60 | N | ||
Claim | 17 | Name of Referring Provider or Other Source | 2310A | NM104 | First Name | F17_ReferringProviderNameFirst | 35 | N | |||
Claim | 17 | Name of Referring Provider or Other Source | 2310A | NM105 | Middle Name | F17_ReferringProviderNameMiddle | 25 | N | |||
Claim | 17 | Name of Referring Provider or Other Source | 2310A | NM107 | Suffix | F17_ReferringProviderSuffix | 10 | N | |||
Claim | 17a | Other ID# | 2310A | REF02 | Referring Provider Secondary Identifier in the 837P. | F17A_ReferringProviderIdNumber | 1 | 50 | N | ||
Claim | 17b | NPI # | 2310A | NM109 | Referring Provider Identifier in the 837P. | F17B_ReferringProviderNpi | 10 | 10 | N | ||
Claim | 17 | Name of Referring Provider or Other Source | 2310D | NM103 | Qualifier DQ | Last Name | F17_SupervisingProviderNameLast | 60 | N | ||
Claim | 17 | Name of Referring Provider or Other Source | 2310D | NM104 | First Name | F17_SupervisingProviderNameFirst | 35 | N | |||
Claim | 17 | Name of Referring Provider or Other Source | 2310D | NM105 | Middle Name | F17_SupervisingProviderNameMiddle | 25 | N | |||
Claim | 17 | Name of Referring Provider or Other Source | 2310D | NM107 | Suffix | F17_SupervisingProviderSuffix | 10 | N | |||
Claim | 17a | Other ID# | 2310D | REF02 | Supervising Provider Secondary Identifier in the 837P. | F17A_SupervisingProviderIdNumber | 1 | 50 | N | ||
Claim | 17b | NPI # | 2310D | NM109 | Supervising Provider Identifier in the 837P. | F17B_SupervisingProviderNpi | 10 | 10 | N | ||
Claim | 17 | Name of Referring Provider or Other Source | 2420E | NM103 | Qualifier DK | Last Name | F17_OrderingProviderNameLast | 60 | N | ||
Claim | 17 | Name of Referring Provider or Other Source | 2420E | NM104 | First Name | F17_OrderingProviderNameFirst | 35 | N | |||
Claim | 17 | Name of Referring Provider or Other Source | 2420E | NM105 | Middle Name | F17_OrderingProviderNameMiddle | 25 | N | |||
Claim | 17 | Name of Referring Provider or Other Source | 2420E | NM107 | Suffix | F17_OrderingProviderSuffix | 10 | N | |||
Claim | 17a | Other ID# | 2420E | REF02 | Ordering Provider Secondary Identifier in the 837P. | F17A_OrderingProviderIdNumber | 1 | 50 | N | ||
Claim | 17b | NPI # | 2420E | NM109 | Ordering Provider Identifier in the 837P. | F17B_OrderingProviderNpi | 10 | 10 | N | ||
Claim | 18 | Hospitalization Dates Related to Current Services | 2300 | DTP03 | Related Hospitalization Admission Date in the 837P. | YYYY-MM-DD | F18_HospitalizationDateFrom | date YYYY-MM-DD | 10 | 10 | N |
Claim | 18 | Hospitalization Dates Related to Current Services | 2300 | DTP03 | Related Hospitalization Discharge Date in the 837P. | YYYY-MM-DD | F18_HospitalizationDateTo | date YYYY-MM-DD | 10 | 10 | N |
Claim | 19 | Additional Claim Information (previously Reserved for Local Use) | 2300 | NTE NTE01=ADD | NTE - CLAIM NOTE PWK - CLAIM SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Only the NTE segment with the ADD qualifier is supported at this time. The PWK - CLAIM SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION segment is not supported at this time | F19_ClaimSupplementalInfoNoteText | string | 1 | 80 | N | |
Claim | 21 | Diagnosis or Nature of Illness or Injury | 2300 | HI01-2, HI02-2, HI03-2, HI04-2, HI05-2, HI06-2, HI07-2, HI08-2, HI09-2, HI10-2, HI11-2, HI12-2 | Outside Lab is on form - yes/no boxes - not in PS1, so don't know where it goes. | 2300 HI0X-1 Diagnosis Type = 9 or 10. Date of service after 10/1/2015 requires 10. | F21_IcdIndicator | string | 1 | 3 | N |
Claim | 21 | Diagnosis or Nature of Illness or Injury | 2300 | HI01-2, HI02-2, HI03-2, HI04-2, HI05-2, HI06-2, HI07-2, HI08-2, HI09-2, HI10-2, HI11-2, HI12-2 | 2300 HI0X-2 Diagnosis Code - X is 1 through 12, at least one required. | Array of strings - Up to 12 The first one is considered the primary diagnosis for the claim | F21_DiagnosisCodes | array of strings, each string 1 to 30 characters | 1 | 12 | Y |
Claim | 22 | Medicaid Resubmission and/or Original Reference Number | 2300 | CLM05-3 | Claim Frequency Code in the 837P. | F22_MedicaidResubmissionCode | string | 11 | N | ||
Claim | 22 | Medicaid Resubmission and/or Original Reference Number | 2300 | REF02 | Payer Claim Control Number in the 837P. | F22_OriginalReferenceNumber | string | 50 | N | ||
Claim | 23 | Prior Authorization Number | 2300 | REF02 | Prior Authorization Number in the 837P. | F23_PriorAuthorizationNumber | string | 50 | N | ||
Claim | 23 | Prior Authorization Number | 2300 | REF02 | Referral Number in the 837P. | F23_ReferralNumber | string | 50 | N | ||
Claim | 23 | Prior Authorization Number | 2300 | REF02 | Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment Number in the 837P. | F23_ClinicalLaboratoryImprovementAmendmentNumber | string | 50 | N | ||
Claim | 23 | Prior Authorization Number | 2300 | REF02 | Mammography Certification Number in the 837P. | F23_MammographyCertificationNumber | string | 50 | N | ||
Claim | This JSON field contains an array of claim line objects. The line-level fields identified below are the fields of the claim line object. | F24_ClaimLines | claim line | 1 | Y | ||||||
Line | 24 A-H Shaded Line | Note | 2400 | NTE NTE01=ADD | NTE - LINE NOTE PWK - LINE SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Only the NTE segment with the ADD qualifier is supported at this time. The PWK - LINE SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION segment is not supported at this time. | F24_Shaded_LineNoteText | string | 1 | 80 | N | |
Line | 24A | Date(s) of Service | 2400 | DTP03 | Service Date in the 837P. | F24A_DateOfServiceFrom | date YYYY-MM-DD | 10 | 10 | Y | |
Line | 24A | Date(s) of Service | 2400 | DTP03 | Service Date in the 837P. | F24A_DateOfServiceTo | date YYYY-MM-DD | 10 | 10 | N | |
Line | 24B | Place of Service | 2400 | SV105 | Place of Service Code in the 837P. | X12_PlaceOfServiceCode is not present on the printed form, but it is required by Apex. F24B_PlaceOfServiceCode may be used to override the place of service for a particular claim line. | F24B_PlaceOfServiceCode | 1 | 2 | Y | |
Line | 24C | EMG | 2400 | SV109 | Emergency Indicator in the 837P. | Boolean - true / false | F24C_Emg | boolean | N | ||
Line | 24D | Procedures, Services, or Supplies | 2400 | SV101-1, SV101-2 | There are 4 qualifiers for SV101-1 in the spec, but only "HC" is supported at this time. F24D_HcpcsProcedureCode will be used for both Medicare and other claims. Product/Service ID in the 837P. The value placed in this field goes into SV101-2. Setting a value in this field implies a value of "HC" in SV101-1. | F24D_HcpcsProcedureCode | 1 | 48 | Y | ||
Line | 24D | Procedures, Services, or Supplies | 2400 | SV101-3 to SV101-6 | Product/Service ID and Procedure Modifier in the 837P. | If present, must contain 1 to 4 strings, each exactly two characters in length. | F24D_Modifiers | array of strings | 1 | 4 | N |
Line | 24D | Procedures, Services, or Supplies | 2400 | SV101-7 | X12_Description | string | 1 | 80 | N | ||
Line | 24E | Diagnosis Pointer | 2400 | SV107 (1-4) | Diagnosis Code Pointer in the 837P. Alpha pointers on the 1500 claim form MUST be converted to numeric pointers in the 837P. | Valid values are the single characters A through L. Each entry refers to a diagnosis code in F21_DiagnosisCodes, where A refers to the first diagnosis code in F21_DiagnosisCodes, B refers to the second, etc. | F24E_DiagnosisPointers | array of strings maximum number of strings is 4, each string can only contain 1 character, A-L | 1 string, 1 char | 4 strings, 1 char each | Y |
Line | 24F | $ Charges | 2400 | SV102 | Line Item Charge Amount in the 837P. | Can't be less than 0, but 0 is acceptable | F24F_Charges | decimal | Y | ||
Line | 24G | Days or Units | 2400 | SV104 | Service Unit Count in the 837P. | A numeric value with optional decimal point. Up to 8 digits are allowed, not including the decimal point. At most three digits may appear after the decimal point. | F24G_DaysOrUnits | decimal | 1 | 9 | N |
Line | 24H | EPSDT/Family Plan | 2400 | SV111 | EPSDT Indicator in the 837P. | Boolean - true / false | F24H_EarlyPeriodicScreeningDiagnosisAndTreatment | boolean | N | ||
Line | 24H | EPSDT/Family Plan | 2400 | SV112 | Family Planning Indicator in the 837P. | F24H_FamilyPlanning - Boolean true/false | boolean | N | |||
Line | 24J Shaded Line | Rendering Provider ID # | 2420A | PRV01 - PRV03 | Provider Taxonomy Code in the 837P. Qualifier: PXC. The use of this field implicitly determines the qualifier in PRV02. | For claim level information, see X12_RendProviderTaxonomyCode, etc. | F24J_Shaded_RendProviderTaxonomyCode | string | 1 | 50 | N |
Line | 24J Shaded Line | Rendering Provider ID # | 2420A | REF01, REF02 | Rendering Provider Secondary Identifier in the 837P. The use of these fields implicitly determines the qualifier in REF01. | F24J_Shaded_RendProviderStateLicenseNumber F24J_Shaded_RendProviderUpinNumber F24J_Shaded_RendProviderCommercialNumber F24J_Shaded_RendProviderLocationNumber | string | 1 | 50 | N | |
Line | 24J | Rendering Provider ID # | 2420A | NM109 | Rendering Provider Identifier in the 837P. | For claim level rendering provider NPI, see X12_RenderingNPI. | F24J_RenderingNpi | string | 10 | N | |
Claim | 25 | Federal Tax ID Number | 2010AA | REF02 REF01=EI | Reference Identification Qualifier and Billing Provider Tax Identification Number in the 837P REF - BILLING PROVIDER TAX IDENTIFICATION. EI=Employer Identification Number | Employer Identification Number used as the Billing Provider Tax Id. The value should contain no hyphens. At most one of F25_FederalTaxIdEin and F25_FederalTaxIdSsn should be set. | F25_FederalTaxIdEin | string | 15 | N | |
Claim | 25 | Federal Tax ID Number | 2010AA | REF02 REF01=SY | Reference Identification Qualifier and Billing Provider Tax Identification Number in the 837P. REF - BILLING PROVIDER TAX IDENTIFICATION SY=Social Security Number. | Social Security Number used as the Billing Provider Tax Id. The value should contain no hyphens. At most one of F25_FederalTaxIdEin and F25_FederalTaxIdSsn should be set. | F25_FederalTaxIdSsn | string | 9 | 9 | N |
Claim | 26 | Patient's Account No. | 2300 | CLM01 | Patient Control Number in the 837P. | F26_PatientAccountNumber | string | 38 | N | ||
Claim | 27 | Accept Assignment? | 2300 | CLM07 | Assignment or Plan Participation Code in the 837P. Qualifiers are A (Assigned) B (Accept on Clinical Lab Services) C (Not Assigned) | F27_AcceptAssignment | AssignmentOrPlanParticipationCode enumeration | N | |||
Claim | 28 | Total Charge | 2300 | CLM02 | Total Claim Charge Amount in the 837P. | F28_TotalCharge | decimal | Y | |||
Claim | 29 | Amount Paid | 2300 | AMT02 | Patient Amount Paid in the 837P. | F29_PatientAmountPaid | decimal | N | |||
Claim | 29 | Amount Paid | 2320 | AMT02 | Payer Paid Amount in the 837P. | F29_PayerAmountPaid | decimal | N | |||
Claim | 31 | Signature of Physician or Supplier Including Degrees or Credentials | 2300 | CLM06 | Provider or Supplier Signature Indicator in the 837P. | Boolean- true / false | F31_PhysicianOrSupplierSignatureIsOnFile | boolean | Y | ||
Claim | 32 | Service Facility Location Information | 2310C | NM103 | F32_FacilityName | string | 60 | N | |||
Claim | 32 | Service Facility Location Information | 2310C | N301 | F32_FacilityAddress1 | string | 55 | N | |||
Claim | 32 | Service Facility Location Information | 2310C | N302 | F32_FacilityAddress2 | string | 55 | N | |||
Claim | 32 | Service Facility Location Information | 2310C | N401 | F32_FacilityCity | string | 2 | 30 | N | ||
Claim | 32 | Service Facility Location Information | 2310C | N402 | F32_FacilityState | string | 2 | 2 | N | ||
Claim | 32 | Service Facility Location Information | 2310C | N403 | F32_FacilityZip | string | 3 | 15 | N | ||
Claim | 32a | NPI # | 2310C | NM109 | Laboratory or Facility Primary Identifier in the 837P. | F32A_FacilityNpi | string | 10 | 10 | N | |
Claim | 32b | Other ID # | 2310C | REF01 REF02 | Reference Identification Qualifier and Laboratory or Facility Secondary Identifier in the 837P. | F32B_FacilityIdStateLicenseNumber | string | 1 | 50 | N | |
Claim | 32b | Other ID # | 2310C | REF01 REF02 | Reference Identification Qualifier and Laboratory or Facility Secondary Identifier in the 837P. | F32B_FacilityIdProviderCommercialLicenseNumber | string | 1 | 50 | N | |
Claim | 32b | Other ID # | 2310C | REF01 REF02 | Reference Identification Qualifier and Laboratory or Facility Secondary Identifier in the 837P. | F32B_FacilityIdLocationNumber | string | 1 | 50 | N | |
Claim | 33 | Billing Provider Info & Ph # | 2010AA | NM103 | F33_BillingProviderNameLast | string | 1 | 60 | Y | ||
Claim | 33 | Billing Provider Info & Ph # | 2010AA | NM104 | F33_BillingProviderNameFirst | string | 1 | 35 | N | ||
Claim | 33 | Billing Provider Info & Ph # | 2010AA | NM105 | F33_BillingProviderNameMiddle | string | 1 | 25 | N | ||
Claim | 33 | Billing Provider Info & Ph # | 2010AA | NM107 | F33_BillingProviderSuffix | string | 1 | 10 | N | ||
Claim | 33 | Billing Provider Info & Ph # | 2010AA | N301 | F33_BillingProviderAddress1 | string | 1 | 55 | Y | ||
Claim | 33 | Billing Provider Info & Ph # | 2010AA | N302 | F33_BillingProviderAddress2 | string | 1 | 55 | N | ||
Claim | 33 | Billing Provider Info & Ph # | 2010AA | N401 | F33_BillingProviderCity | string | 2 | 30 | Y | ||
Claim | 33 | Billing Provider Info & Ph # | 2010AA | N402 | F33_BillingProviderState | string | 2 | 2 | Y | ||
Claim | 33 | Billing Provider Info & Ph # | 2010AA | N403 | F33_BillingProviderZip | string | 3 | 15 | N | ||
Claim | 33 | Billing Provider Info & Ph # | 2010AA | PER04 | F33_BillingProviderPhoneNumber | string | 1 | 256 | N | ||
Claim | 33a | NPI # | 2010AA | NM109 | Billing Provider Identifier in the 837P. | F33A_BillingProviderNpi | string | 10 | 10 | Y | |
Claim | 33b | Other ID # | 2000A | PRV1-PRV03 | Provider Taxonomy Code in the 837P. | F33B_BillingProviderTaxonomyCode | string | 1 | 50 | N | |
Claim | 33b | Other ID # | 2010AA | REF01, REF02 | Titled Reference Identification Qualifier and Billing Provider Additional Identifier in the 837P. | F33B_BillingProviderSsn | string | 1 | 50 | Y* | |
Line | X12 | Anesthesia | 2400 | SV104 - Quantity Other fields filled in because it is Anesthesia | SV1 - PROFESSIONAL SERVICE -Looks like this is information in to make a specific Service Line (2400 SV1) -SV101-1 (HC) Health Care Financing Administration Common Procedural Coding System (HCPCS) Codes -SV101-2 Procedure Code - Anesthesia CPT code - ex 00142 lens surgery (see spec ex) - SV101-3 - SV101-6 Procedure Modifier - SV102 Monetary Amount - SV103 Unit Or Base Measurement - For Anesthesia (MJ) Minutes - SV104 Quantity (Service Unit Count) - Max length 8 digits - For Anesthesia this is where the minutes go How to correlate with F24A - F24J Service Line Entry | Defaults to false (non-anesthesia). If true, then F24G_DaysOrUnits must be set to the number of minutes. | X12_Anesthesia | boolean | N | ||
Claim | X12 | Claim Level Payer Amount | 2320 | AMT02 | Loop 2320 AMT AMT - COORDINATION OF BENEFITS (COB) | PAYER PAID AMOUNT. Looks like this is claim level primary payer amount or the sum of all the line item primary payer paid amounts | X12_ClaimPrimaryPayerPaidAmount | nullable decimal | N | ||
Line | X12 | F24_LineAdjudicationDate | 2430 | DTP01-03 | Loop 2420 DTP Line Check Or Remittance Date DTP01 - 573, DTP02 - D8, DTP03 -Adjudication or Payment Date | X12_AdjudicationOrPaymentDate | date YYYY-MM-DD | 10 | 10 | N | |
Line | X12 | F24_LineAdjustments | 2430 | CAS01-19 | Should be an array of adjustments where the members have the info. Loop 2340 CAS - Group Code is in CAS01, and then up to 6 adjustments Reason Code, Amount, Quantity in 2-4, 5-7, 8-10, 11-13, 14-16 and 17-9 associated with that code. | Each of these fields consists of an array of objects of type ServiceLineAdjustment, which is defined to consist of: ReasonCode (string) MonetaryAmount (monetary amount, decimal number) Quantity (optional, decimal number) | X12_LineContractualObligationAdjustments X12_LineCorrectionAndReversalAdjustments X12_LineOtherAdjustments X12_LinePayorInitiatedReductions X12_LinePatientResponsibilityAdjustments See X12_ClaimContractualObligationAdjustments, etc., for claim level adjustments. | array of objects | N | ||
Line | X12 | X12_LineTestResults | 2400 | MEA | Loop 2400 MEA | An array of objects with the fields MeasurementId (of type MeasurementReferenceIdCode enumeration, MEA01), MeasurementQualifier (of type MeasurementQualifier enumeration, MEA02), and MeasurementValue (decimal, MEA03). Example: X12_LineTestResults: [ { "MeasurementId": "TestResults", "MeasurementQualifier": "Hemoglobin", "MeasurementValue": 113.4 }, { "MeasurementId": "TestResults", "MeasurementQualifier": "Hematocrit", "MeasurementValue": 14.2 } ] | X12_LineTestResults | array of objects | N | ||
Line | X12 | F24_NDC - In Mapping Spread Sheet | 2410 | LIN02-LIN03 | Must be in 5-4-2 format. Omit hyphens. If this field is set, then exactly one of X12_DrugQuantityInternationalUnits, X12_DrugQuantityGrams, X12_DrugQuantityMilligrams, X12_DrugQuantityMilliliters, or X12_DrugQuantityUnits must be set. | X12_NdcCode | string | 11 | 11 | N | |
Line | X12 | F24_NDC - In Mapping Spread Sheet | 2410 | CTP04-CTP05 | If X12_NdcCode is used, then exactly one of these fields must be set. Otherwise, do not use. | X12_DrugQuantityInternationalUnits X12_DrugQuantityGrams X12_DrugQuantityMilligrams X12_DrugQuantityMilliliters X12_DrugQuantityUnits | nullable decimal | N | |||
Line | X12 | REF - PRESCRIPTION OR COMPOUND DRUG ASSOCIATION NUMBER | 2410 | REF01-REF02 | Loop 2410 REF01 - XZ (Pharmacy Prescription #) Loop 2410 REF02 - Prescription Number Loop 2410 REF01 - VY (Link #) Loop 2410 REF02 - Link Number F24_NDC - In Mapping Spread Sheet | At most one of these fields may be set. | X12_NdcPharmacyPrescriptionNumber X12_NdcLinkSequenceNumber | string | 1 | 50 | N |
Line | X12 | F24_PrimaryPayerPaidAmount | 2430 | SVD02 | Loop 2430 Line Adjudication Information SVD02 Service Line Paid Amount?? | X12_PrimaryPayerPaidAmount | nullable decimal | N | |||
Line | X12 | F24_ProviderControlNumber | 2400 | REF01-02 | Loop 2400 REF - Line Item Control Number REF01 - 6R Provider Control Number / REF02 Line Item Control Number | X12_ProviderControlNumber | string | 1 | 50 | N | |
Claim | X12 | 2300 | CLM05-1 | Facility Code Value in the 837P. | The place of service for the entire claim. May be overridden if necessary for a particular claim line by placing a value in F24B_PlaceOfServiceCode for that claim line. | X12_PlaceOfServiceCode | string | 1 | 2 | N | |
Claim | X12 | Rendering Provider Last Name | 2310B | NM103 | Provider Last or Organization Name | Claim level. Not on form | X12_RendProviderNameLast | string | 1 | 60 | N |
Claim | X12 | Rendering Provider First Name | 2310B | NM104 | Provider First Name | Claim level. Not on form | X12_RendProviderNameFirst | string | 1 | 35 | N |
Claim | X12 | Rendering Provider Middle Name | 2310B | NM105 | Provider Middle Name | Claim level. Not on form | X12_RendProviderNameMiddle | string | 1 | 25 | N |
Claim | X12 | Rendering Provider Suffix | 2310B | NM106 | Provider Suffix | Claim level. Not on form | X12_RendProviderSuffix | string | 1 | 10 | N |
Claim | X12 | Rendering Provider Taxonomy Code | 2310B | PRV02, PRV03 | Provider Taxonomy Code in the 837P. | Claim level rendering provider taxonomy code. Optional. This identifier may be overridden at the claim line level by F24J_Shaded_RendProviderTaxonomyCode. | X12_RendProviderTaxonomyCode | string | 10 | N | |
Claim | X12 | Rendering Provider Secondary Identifier | 2310B | REF01, REF02 | Provider Secondary Identifier in the 837P. | Claim level rendering provider identifier. Optional. At most one of these may be set. This identifier may be overridden at the claim line level by one of the 24J_... Identifiers. | X12_RendProviderStateLicenseNumber X12_RendProviderUpinNumber X12_RendProviderCommercialNumber X12_RendProviderLocationNumber | string | 10 | N | |
Claim | X12 | Rendering Provider NPI | 2310B | NM109 | Rendering Provider Identifier in the 837P. | This is the NPI of the rendering provider for the entire claim. This can be optionally overridden for a particular claim line by use of F24J_RenderingNpi. | X12_RenderingNpi | string | 10 | N | |
Claim | X12 | x12_AcuteManifestationConditionCode | 2300 | CR208 | CR2 - SPINAL MANIPULATION SERVICE INFORMATION CR208 - Nature of Condition Code A - Acute Condition M - Acute Manifestation of a Chronic Condition | See also F15_AcuteManifestionDate. | X12_AcuteManifestationCode | enumeration AcuteManifestationCodes | 1 | 1 | N |
Claim | X12 | x12_AmountPaidByPrimary | 2320 | AMT02 | 2320 AMT - COB PayerPaid Amount | Required for secondary claims. Must reconcile with line item amounts. | X12_ClaimPrimaryPaidAmount | nullable decimal | N | ||
Claim | X12 | x12_AssumedCareDate | 2300 | DTP03 DTP01=090 | Qualifier - 090 | use F15_AssumedCareStartDate | |||||
Claim | X12 | x12_ClaimAdjudicationDate | 2330B | DTP01-DTP03 | DTP - CLAIM CHECK OR REMITTANCE DATE. The Claim Adjudication Date (DTP) segment has been renamed to Claim Check or Remittance Date. | X12_ClaimAdjudicationDate | string | N | |||
Claim | X12 | 2320 | CAS01-19 | See line level equivalents. | See comments for line level adjustments, X12_LineContractualObligationAdjustments, etc | X12_ClaimContractualObligationAdjustments X12_ClaimCorrectionAndReversalAdjustments X12_ClaimOtherAdjustments X12_ClaimPayorInitiatedReductions X12_ClaimPatientResponsibilityAdjustments . | Each is and Array of Claims adjustments | N | |||
Claim | X12 | x12_MedicalRecordNumber | 2300 | REF02 | REF - MEDICAL RECORD NUMBER | X12_MedicalRecordNumber | string | 1 | 50 | N | |
Claim | X12 | 2300 | CRC | CRC - PATIENT CONDITION INFORMATION: VISION The field names imply which code category: E1, E2, or E3 (CRC01). The boolean gives the value of CRC02. The array of ConditionCodes provide the values for CRC03-CRC07: L1 General Standard of 20 Degree or .5 Diopter Sphere or Cylinder Change Met L2 Replacement Due to Loss or Theft L3 Replacement Due to Breakage or Damage L4 Replacement Due to Patient Preference L5 Replacement Due to Medical Reason | Each field consists of an object with two fields: CertificationConditionIndicator (boolean), and ConditionCodes (array of one to five strings, "L1", "L2", etc.). Example: "X12_SpectacleLenses": { "CertificationConditionIndicator": true, "ConditionCodes": [ "L1", "L4" ] } | X12_SpectacleLenses X12_ContactLenses X12_SpectacleFrames | N | ||||
Claim | X12 | X12_DelayReasonCode | 2300 | CN1 | CN1 - CONTRACT INFORMATION | X12_DelayReasonCode | DelayReasonCode enumeration | N | |||
Claim | X12 | X12_OtherPayerName | 2330B | NM103 | Loop 2330B NM101 = PR (Payer) NM102 = 2 (Non-Person Entity) NM103 = Other Organization Name | X12_OtherPayerName | string | 1 | 60 | N | |
Claim | X12 | X12_AmbulanceCertifications | 2300 | CRC | CRC - AMBULANCE CERTIFICATION The CRC02 value is a boolean condition for Yes/No Condition or Response code. The array of ConditionCodes provide the values for CRC03-CRC07: 01 Patient was admitted to a hospital 04 Patient was moved by stretcher 05 Patient was unconscious or in shock 06 Patient was transported in an emergency situation 07 Patient had to be physically restrained 08 Patient had visible hemorrhaging 09 Ambulance service was medically necessary 12 Patient is confined to a bed or chair (Use code 12 to indicate patient was bedridden during transport) | Each field consists of an object with two fields: CertificationConditionIndicator (boolean), and ConditionCodes (array of one to five strings, "01", "04", "06", "09", etc.). Example: "X12_AmbulanceCertification": { "CertificationConditionIndicator": true, "ConditionCodes":["01","04","06","09"] } | X12_AmbulanceCertification | N | |||
Claim | X12 | X12_AmbulancePatientWeight | 2300 | CR102 | CR1 - AMBULANCE TRANSPORT INFORMATION | Weight of the patient at time of transport. Required when it is necessary to justify the medical necessity of the level of ambulance services. | X12_AmbulancePatientWeight | string | 1 | 10 | N |
Claim | X12 | X12_AmbulanceTransportReasonCode | 2300 | CR104 | CR1 - AMBULANCE TRANSPORT INFORMATION Ambulance Transport Reason Code: NearestFacility PreferredPhysician NearFamily Specialist Rehabilitation | This field is required only if PlaceOfService code is 41 (Ambulance by Land) or 42 (Ambulance by Air or Water). The possible codes indicating the reason for ambulance transport. are aliases for the single letter codes of A-E indicated by the 837 spec. A = NearestFacility, B=PreferredPhysician, etc. Example: "X12_AmbulanceTransportReasonCode":"NearestFacility" | X12_AmbulanceTransportReasonCode | string | 1 | 1 | N |
Claim | X12 | X12_AmbulanceTransportDistance | 2300 | CR106 | CR1 - AMBULANCE TRANSPORT INFORMATION Ambulance Transport Distance | This field is required only if PlaceOfService code is 41 (Ambulance by Land) or 42 (Ambulance by Air or Water). The value is in terms of Miles Example: "X12_AmbulanceTransportDistance":"5" | X12_AmbulanceTransportDistance | string | 1 | 15 | N |
Claim | X12 | X12_AmbulanceRoundTripPurposeDescription | 2300 | CR109 | CR1 - AMBULANCE TRANSPORT INFORMATION Round Trip Purpose Description | This field is required only if PlaceOfService code is 41 (Ambulance by Land) or 42 (Ambulance by Air or Water) and when the ambulance service is for a round trip The value is in terms of Miles Example: "X12_AmbulanceRoundTripPurposeDescription":"Required round trip for surgery" | X12_AmbulanceRoundTripPurposeDescription | string | 1 | 80 | N |
Claim | X12 | X12_AmbulanceStretcherPurposeDescription | 2300 | CR110 | CR1 - AMBULANCE TRANSPORT INFORMATION Stretcher Purpose Description | This field is required only if PlaceOfService code is 41 (Ambulance by Land) or 42 (Ambulance by Air or Water) and when needed to justify usage of stretcher The value is in terms of Miles Example: "X12_AmbulanceStretcherPurposeDescription":"Patient immobile" | X12_AmbulanceStretcherPurposeDescription | string | 1 | 80 | N |
Claim | X12 | X12_AmbulancePickupAddress1 | 2310E | N301 | N3 - AMBULANCE PICKUP LOCATION Address | This field is required only if PlaceOfService code is 41 (Ambulance by Land) or 42 (Ambulance by Air or Water) This is Address line 1 Example: "X12_AmbulancePickupAddress1":"123 MAIN STREET" | X12_AmbulancePickupAddress1 | string | 1 | 55 | N |
Claim | X12 | X12_AmbulancePickupAddress2 | 2310E | N302 | N3 - AMBULANCE PICKUP LOCATION Second Address Line (If Needed) | This field is required only if PlaceOfService code is 41 (Ambulance by Land) or 42 (Ambulance by Air or Water) and a second address line is needed Example: "X12_AmbulancePickupAddress2":"SUITE #200" | X12_AmbulancePickupAddress2 | string | 1 | 55 | N |
Claim | X12 | X12_AmbulancePickupCity | 2310E | N401 | N3 - AMBULANCE PICKUP LOCATION City | This field is required only if PlaceOfService code is 41 (Ambulance by Land) or 42 (Ambulance by Air or Water) This is the Ambulance Pickup Location city Example: "X12_AmbulancePickupCity":"MY TOWN" | X12_AmbulancePickupCity | string | 2 | 30 | N |
Claim | X12 | X12_AmbulancePickupState | 2310E | N402 | N3 - AMBULANCE PICKUP LOCATION State or Province Code | This field is required only if PlaceOfService code is 41 (Ambulance by Land) or 42 (Ambulance by Air or Water) This is the Ambulance Pickup Location State or Province Code Example: "X12_AmbulancePickupState":"NY" | X12_AmbulancePickupState | string | 2 | 2 | N |
Claim | X12 | X12_AmbulancePickupZip | 2310E | N403 | N3 - AMBULANCE PICKUP LOCATION Postal Code | This field is required only if PlaceOfService code is 41 (Ambulance by Land) or 42 (Ambulance by Air or Water) This is the Postal Code Example: "X12_AmbulancePickupState":"10022" | X12_AmbulancePickupZip | string | 3 | 15 | N |
Claim | X12 | X12_AmbulancePickupCountry | 2310E | N404 | N3 - AMBULANCE PICKUP LOCATION Country | This field is required only if PlaceOfService code is 41 (Ambulance by Land) or 42 (Ambulance by Air or Water) This is the Country Code, required when the address is outside of the United States of America Example: "X12_AmbulancePickupState":"CAN" | X12_AmbulancePickupZip | string | 2 | 3 | N |
Claim | X12 | X12_AmbulanceDropOffAddress1 | 2310E | N301 | N3 - AMBULANCE DROP-OFF LOCATION Address | This field is required only if PlaceOfService code is 41 (Ambulance by Land) or 42 (Ambulance by Air or Water) This is Address line 1 Example: "X12_AmbulanceDropOffAddress1":"123 MAIN STREET" | X12_AmbulanceDropOffAddress1 | string | 1 | 55 | N |
Claim | X12 | X12_AmbulanceDropOffAddress2 | 2310F | N302 | N3 - AMBULANCE DROP-OFF LOCATION Second Address Line (If Needed) | This field is required only if PlaceOfService code is 41 (Ambulance by Land) or 42 (Ambulance by Air or Water) and a second address line is needed Example: "X12_AmbulanceDropOffAddress2":"SUITE #200" | X12_AmbulanceDropOffAddress2 | string | 1 | 55 | N |
Claim | X12 | X12_AmbulanceDropOffCity | 2310F | N401 | N3 - AMBULANCE DROP-OFF LOCATION City | This field is required only if PlaceOfService code is 41 (Ambulance by Land) or 42 (Ambulance by Air or Water) This is the Ambulance Pickup Location city Example: "X12_AmbulanceDropOffCity":"MY TOWN" | X12_AmbulanceDropOffCity | string | 2 | 30 | N |
Claim | X12 | X12_AmbulanceDropOffState | 2310F | N402 | N3 - AMBULANCE DROP-OFF LOCATION State or Province Code | This field is required only if PlaceOfService code is 41 (Ambulance by Land) or 42 (Ambulance by Air or Water) This is the Ambulance Pickup Location State or Province Code Example: "X12_AmbulanceDropOffState":"NY" | X12_AmbulanceDropOffState | string | 2 | 2 | N |
Claim | X12 | X12_AmbulanceDropOffZip | 2310F | N403 | N3 - AMBULANCE DROP-OFF LOCATION Postal Code | This field is required only if PlaceOfService code is 41 (Ambulance by Land) or 42 (Ambulance by Air or Water) This is the Postal Code Example: "X12_AmbulanceDropOffState":"10022" | X12_AmbulanceDropOffZip | string | 3 | 15 | N |
Claim | X12 | X12_AmbulanceDropOffCountry | 2310F | N404 | N3 - AMBULANCE DROP-OFF LOCATION Country | This field is required only if PlaceOfService code is 41 (Ambulance by Land) or 42 (Ambulance by Air or Water) This is the Country Code, required when the address is outside of the United States of America Example: "X12_AmbulanceDropOffState":"CAN" | X12_AmbulanceDropOffZip | string | 2 | 3 | N |
Line | X12 | X12_AmbulanceCertifications | 2400 | CRC | CRC - AMBULANCE CERTIFICATION The CRC02 value is a boolean condition for Yes/No Condition or Response code. The array of ConditionCodes provide the values for CRC03-CRC07: 01 Patient was admitted to a hospital 04 Patient was moved by stretcher 05 Patient was unconscious or in shock 06 Patient was transported in an emergency situation 07 Patient had to be physically restrained 08 Patient had visible hemorrhaging 09 Ambulance service was medically necessary 12 Patient is confined to a bed or chair (Use code 12 to indicate patient was bedridden during transport) | Each field consists of an object with two fields: CertificationConditionIndicator (boolean), and ConditionCodes (array of one to five strings, "01", "04", "06", "09", etc.). Example: "X12_AmbulanceCertification": { "CertificationConditionIndicator": true, "ConditionCodes":["01","04","06","09"] } | X12_AmbulanceCertification | N | |||
Line | X12 | X12_AmbulancePatientWeight | 2400 | CR102 | CR1 - AMBULANCE TRANSPORT INFORMATION | Weight of the patient at time of transport. Required when it is necessary to justify the medical necessity of the level of ambulance services. | X12_AmbulancePatientWeight | string | 1 | 10 | N |
Line | X12 | X12_AmbulanceTransportReasonCode | 2400 | CR104 | CR1 - AMBULANCE TRANSPORT INFORMATION Ambulance Transport Reason Code: NearestFacility PreferredPhysician NearFamily Specialist Rehabilitation | This field is required only if PlaceOfService code is 41 (Ambulance by Land) or 42 (Ambulance by Air or Water). The possible codes indicating the reason for ambulance transport. are aliases for the single letter codes of A-E indicated by the 837 spec. A = NearestFacility, B=PreferredPhysician, etc. Example: "X12_AmbulanceTransportReasonCode":"NearestFacility" | X12_AmbulanceTransportReasonCode | string | 1 | 1 | N |
Line | X12 | X12_AmbulanceTransportDistance | 2400 | CR106 | CR1 - AMBULANCE TRANSPORT INFORMATION Ambulance Transport Distance | This field is required only if PlaceOfService code is 41 (Ambulance by Land) or 42 (Ambulance by Air or Water). The value is in terms of Miles Example: "X12_AmbulanceTransportDistance":"5" | X12_AmbulanceTransportDistance | string | 1 | 15 | N |
Line | X12 | X12_AmbulanceRoundTripPurposeDescription | 2400 | CR109 | CR1 - AMBULANCE TRANSPORT INFORMATION Round Trip Purpose Description | This field is required only if PlaceOfService code is 41 (Ambulance by Land) or 42 (Ambulance by Air or Water) and when the ambulance service is for a round trip The value is in terms of Miles Example: "X12_AmbulanceRoundTripPurposeDescription":"Required round trip for surgery" | X12_AmbulanceRoundTripPurposeDescription | string | 1 | 80 | N |
Line | X12 | X12_AmbulanceStretcherPurposeDescription | 2400 | CR110 | CR1 - AMBULANCE TRANSPORT INFORMATION Stretcher Purpose Description | This field is required only if PlaceOfService code is 41 (Ambulance by Land) or 42 (Ambulance by Air or Water) and when needed to justify usage of stretcher The value is in terms of Miles Example: "X12_AmbulanceStretcherPurposeDescription":"Patient immobile" | X12_AmbulanceStretcherPurposeDescription | string | 1 | 80 | N |
Line | X12 | X12_AmbulancePickupAddress1 | 2420G | N301 | N3 - AMBULANCE PICKUP LOCATION Address | This field is required only if PlaceOfService code is 41 (Ambulance by Land) or 42 (Ambulance by Air or Water) This is Address line 1 Example: "X12_AmbulancePickupAddress1":"123 MAIN STREET" | X12_AmbulancePickupAddress1 | string | 1 | 55 | N |
Line | X12 | X12_AmbulancePickupAddress2 | 2420G | N302 | N3 - AMBULANCE PICKUP LOCATION Second Address Line (If Needed) | This field is required only if PlaceOfService code is 41 (Ambulance by Land) or 42 (Ambulance by Air or Water) and a second address line is needed Example: "X12_AmbulancePickupAddress2":"SUITE #200" | X12_AmbulancePickupAddress2 | string | 1 | 55 | N |
Line | X12 | X12_AmbulancePickupCity | 2420G | N401 | N3 - AMBULANCE PICKUP LOCATION City | This field is required only if PlaceOfService code is 41 (Ambulance by Land) or 42 (Ambulance by Air or Water) This is the Ambulance Pickup Location city Example: "X12_AmbulancePickupCity":"MY TOWN" | X12_AmbulancePickupCity | string | 2 | 30 | N |
Line | X12 | X12_AmbulancePickupState | 2420G | N402 | N3 - AMBULANCE PICKUP LOCATION State or Province Code | This field is required only if PlaceOfService code is 41 (Ambulance by Land) or 42 (Ambulance by Air or Water) This is the Ambulance Pickup Location State or Province Code Example: "X12_AmbulancePickupState":"NY" | X12_AmbulancePickupState | string | 2 | 2 | N |
Line | X12 | X12_AmbulancePickupZip | 2420G | N403 | N3 - AMBULANCE PICKUP LOCATION Postal Code | This field is required only if PlaceOfService code is 41 (Ambulance by Land) or 42 (Ambulance by Air or Water) This is the Postal Code Example: "X12_AmbulancePickupState":"10022" | X12_AmbulancePickupZip | string | 3 | 15 | N |
Line | X12 | X12_AmbulancePickupCountry | 2420G | N404 | N3 - AMBULANCE PICKUP LOCATION Country | This field is required only if PlaceOfService code is 41 (Ambulance by Land) or 42 (Ambulance by Air or Water) This is the Country Code, required when the address is outside of the United States of America Example: "X12_AmbulancePickupState":"CAN" | X12_AmbulancePickupZip | string | 2 | 3 | N |
Line | X12 | X12_AmbulanceDropOffAddress1 | 2420H | N301 | N3 - AMBULANCE DROP-OFF LOCATION Address | This field is required only if PlaceOfService code is 41 (Ambulance by Land) or 42 (Ambulance by Air or Water) This is Address line 1 Example: "X12_AmbulanceDropOffAddress1":"124 MAIN STREET" | X12_AmbulanceDropOffAddress1 | string | 1 | 55 | N |
Line | X12 | X12_AmbulanceDropOffAddress2 | 2420H | N302 | N3 - AMBULANCE DROP-OFF LOCATION Second Address Line (If Needed) | This field is required only if PlaceOfService code is 41 (Ambulance by Land) or 42 (Ambulance by Air or Water) and a second address line is needed Example: "X12_AmbulanceDropOffAddress2":"SUITE #200" | X12_AmbulanceDropOffAddress2 | string | 1 | 55 | N |
Line | X12 | X12_AmbulanceDropOffCity | 2420H | N401 | N3 - AMBULANCE DROP-OFF LOCATION City | This field is required only if PlaceOfService code is 41 (Ambulance by Land) or 42 (Ambulance by Air or Water) This is the Ambulance Pickup Location city Example: "X12_AmbulanceDropOffCity":"MY TOWN" | X12_AmbulanceDropOffCity | string | 2 | 30 | N |
Line | X12 | X12_AmbulanceDropOffState | 2420H | N402 | N3 - AMBULANCE DROP-OFF LOCATION State or Province Code | This field is required only if PlaceOfService code is 41 (Ambulance by Land) or 42 (Ambulance by Air or Water) This is the Ambulance Pickup Location State or Province Code Example: "X12_AmbulanceDropOffState":"NY" | X12_AmbulanceDropOffState | string | 2 | 2 | N |
Line | X12 | X12_AmbulanceDropOffZip | 2420H | N403 | N3 - AMBULANCE DROP-OFF LOCATION Postal Code | This field is required only if PlaceOfService code is 41 (Ambulance by Land) or 42 (Ambulance by Air or Water) This is the Postal Code Example: "X12_AmbulanceDropOffState":"10022" | X12_AmbulanceDropOffZip | string | 3 | 15 | N |
Line | X12 | X12_AmbulanceDropOffCountry | 2420H | N404 | N3 - AMBULANCE DROP-OFF LOCATION Country | This field is required only if PlaceOfService code is 41 (Ambulance by Land) or 42 (Ambulance by Air or Water) This is the Country Code, required when the address is outside of the United States of America Example: "X12_AmbulanceDropOffState":"CAN" | X12_AmbulanceDropOffZip | string | 2 | 3 | N |
Line | X12 | X12_AmbulancePatientCount | 2400 | QT02 | QTY - AMBULANCE PATIENT COUNT | This field is required only if PlaceOfService code is 41 (Ambulance by Land) or 42 (Ambulance by Air or Water) and when more than one patient is transported in the same vehicle for Ambulance or non-emergency transportation services. Example: "X12_AmbulancePatientCount":"2" | X12_AmbulanceDropOffZip | string | 1 | 15 | N |