Apex EDI Vendor Portal

Apex EDI API V3 Documentation

Apex EOB to JSON Field Mapping

This table shows some values from the EOB and their corresponding JSON fields. It also explains how some of those fields are calculated.

EOB Field JSON Field Notes
PT RESPRemittanceAdvices[n].ClaimPayments[n].PatientResponsibilityDeductible + CoInsurance + CoPay(PR-49)
Billed Claim TotalsRemittanceAdvices[n].ClaimPayments[n].TotalClaimChargesSum of all Billed Line Items(Services)
Allowed Claim TotalsRemittanceAdvices[n].ClaimPayments[n].AllowedActualPaymentSum of AllowedActualpayment Value of JSON Fields
PROV PD Claim TotalsRemittanceAdvices[n].PaymentDetails.TotalActualProviderPaymentSum of TotalActualProviderPayment Value of JSON Fields
COINS Claim TotalsRemittanceAdvices[n].ClaimPayments[n].CoinsuredQuantityActualSum of CoinsuredQuantityActual Value of JSON Fields
GRP/RC-AMT Claim TotalsRemittanceAdvices[n].ClaimPayments[n].ServicePayments[n].Adjustments[n].Adjustments.AmountSum of all Adjustment Amounts in JSON Fields
Deductible Claim TotalsField Deductible not available in JSON OutputBilled Total - Coins Total - Adjustments Total - Provider Paid Amount Total