Eligibility Enumerations
This document contains the definitions of the enumerations used in submitted eligibility requests and in payer responses.
- Unknown = 0
- ActiveCoverage = 1
- ActiveFullRiskCapitation = 2
- ActiveServicesCapitated = 3
- ActiveServicesCapitatedToPrimaryCarePhysician = 4
- ActivePendingInvestigation = 5
- Inactive = 6
- InactivePendingEligibilityUpdate = 7
- InactivePendingInvestigation = 8
- CoInsurance = 9
- CoPayment = 10
- Deductible = 11
- BenefitDescription = 12
- Exclusions = 13
- Limitations = 14
- OutOfPocketStopLoss = 15
- Unlimited = 16
- NonCovered = 17
- CostContainment = 18
- Reserve = 19
- PrimaryCareProvider = 20
- PreExistingCondition = 21
- ServicesRestrictedToFollowingProvider = 22
- NotDeemedAMedicalNecessity = 23
- BenefitDisclaimer = 24
- SecondSurgicalOpinionRequired = 25
- OtherOrAdditionalPayor = 26
- PriorYearSHistory = 27
- CardSReportedLostStolen = 28
- ContactFollowingEntityForEligibilityOrBenefitInformation = 29
- CannotProcess = 30
- OtherSourceOfData = 31
- HealthCareFacility = 32
- SpendDown = 33
- CoverageBasis = 34
- ManagedCareCoordinator = 35
- Unknown = 0
- AllInvalid = 1
- ResultsComplete = 2
- ResultsIncomplete = 3
- Unknown = 0
- ChildrenOnly = 1
- DependentsOnly = 2
- EmployeeAndChildren = 3
- EmployeeOnly = 4
- EmployeeAndSpouse = 5
- Family = 6
- Individual = 7
- SpouseAndChildren = 8
- SpouseOnly = 9
- Unknown = 0
- Icd9 = 1
- Icd10 = 2
- Snodent = 3
- Unknown = 0
- Ada = 1 (AD) American Dental Association
- Cpt = 2 (CJ) Current Procedural Terminology
- Hcpcs = 3 (HC) Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System
- Icd9 = 4 (ID) International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM)
- Hiec = 5 (IV) Home Infusion EDI Coalition
- Ndc = 5 (N4) National Drug Code in 5-4-2 format
- MutuallyDefined = 6 (ZZ)
- Unknown = 0
- Individual = 1
- Organization< = 2/li>
- Unknown = 0
- PleaseCorrectAndResubmit = 1
- ResubmissionNotAllowed = 2
- ResubmissionAllowed = 3
- DoNotResubmitInquiryInitiatedToAThirdParty = 4
- PleaseWait30DaysAndResubmit = 5
- PleaseWait10DaysAndResubmit = 6
- DoNotResubmitWeWillHoldYourRequestAndRespondAgainShortly = 7
- Unknown = 0
- Male = 1
- Female = 2
- Unknown = 0
- Partial = 1
- Current = 2
- Latest = 3
- Oldest = 4
- Prior = 5
- SecondMostCurrent = 6
- ThirdMostCurrent = 7
- Unknown = 0
- Disability = 1
- MedicarePos = 2
- MedicareAdvantagePos = 3
- MultipleOptionsHealthPlan = 4
- MedicareSecondaryWorkingAgedGroupHealthPlan = 5
- MedicareSecondaryEndStageRenalGroupHealthPlan = 6
- MedicareSecondaryNofault = 7
- MedicareSecondaryWorkersCompensation = 8
- MedicareSecondaryPublicHealth = 9
- Dental = 10
- Vision = 11
- PrescriptionDrugs = 12
- MedicareSecondaryBlackLung = 13
- MedicareSecondaryVeteransAdministration = 14
- MedicareSecondaryDisabledUnder65GroupHealthPlan = 15
- MedicareSecondaryOtherLiability = 16
- AutoInsurancePolicy = 17
- Commercial = 18
- Cobra = 19
- MedicareConditionallyPrimary = 20
- DisabilityBenefits = 21
- ExclusiveProviderOrganization = 22
- FamilyOrFriends = 23
- GroupPolicy = 24
- Hmo = 25
- HmoMedicareRisk = 26
- SpecialLowIncomeMedicare = 27
- Indemnity = 28
- IndividualPolicy = 29
- LongTermCare = 30
- LongTermPolicy = 31
- LifeInsurance = 32
- Litigation = 33
- MedicarePartA = 34
- MedicarePartB = 35
- Medicaid = 36
- MedicarePartD = 37
- MedicareAdvantagePpo = 38
- MedicareAdvantageFeeForService = 39
- MedigapPartA = 40
- MedigapPartB = 41
- MedicareAdvantageHmo = 42
- MedicareAdvantageHmoRisk = 43
- MedicareAdvantageIndemnity = 44
- MedicareAdvantagePpoPartD = 45
- MedicareAdvantageIndemnityNoPartD = 46
- MedicareAdvantagePosPartD = 47
- MedicarePrimary = 48
- MedicareAdvantageRiskHmoNoPartD = 49
- MedicareAdvantageHmoNoPartD = 50
- MedicareAdvantage = 51
- Other = 52
- PropertyInsurancePersonal = 53
- Personal = 54
- PersonalPayment = 55
- Ppo = 56
- Pos = 57
- QualifiedMedicareBeneficiary = 58
- PropertyInsuranceReal = 59
- SupplementalPolicy = 60
- Tefra = 61
- WorkersCompensation = 62
- WrapUpPolicy = 63
- Unknown = 0
- Provider = 1 (1P)
- ThirdPartyAdministrator = 2 (2B)
- Employer = 3 (36)
- Hospital = 4 (80)
- Facility = 5 (FA)
- GatewayProvider = 6 (GP)
- PlanSponsor = 7 (P5)
- Payer = 8 (PR)
- Unknown = 0
- ClaimStatus = 1
- RemittanceAdvice = 2
- EmdeonClaimStatus = 3
- InterchangeStatus = 4
- BenefitResponse = 5
- Unknown = 0
- ThirdPartyAdministrator = 1 (2B)
- Employer = 2 (36)
- GatewayProvider = 3 (GP)
- PlanSponsor = 4 (P5)
- Payer = 5 (PR)
- Unknown = 0
- Pharmacy = 1
- School = 2
- HomelessShelter = 3
- IhsFreestandingFacility = 4
- IhsProviderFacility = 5
- Tribal638FreestandingFacility = 6
- Tribal638ProviderFacility = 7
- CorrectionalFacility = 8
- Office = 9
- Home = 10
- AssistedLivingFacility = 11
- GroupHome = 12
- MobileUnit = 13
- TemporaryLodging = 14
- WalkinRetailHealthClinic = 15
- PlaceOfEmploymentWorksite = 16
- UrgentCareFacility = 17
- InpatientHospital = 18
- OutpatientHospital = 19
- EmergencyRoomHospital = 20
- AmbulatorySurgicalCenter = 21
- BirthingCenter = 22
- MilitaryTreatmentFacility = 23
- SkilledNursingFacility = 24
- NursingFacility = 25
- CustodialCareFacility = 26
- Hospice = 27
- AmbulanceLand = 28
- AmbulanceAirOrWater = 29
- IndependentClinic = 30
- FederallyQualifiedHealthCenter = 31
- InpatientPsychiatricFacility = 32
- PsychiatricFacilityPartialHospitalization = 33
- CommunityMentalHealthCenter = 34
- IntermediateCareMentalFacility = 35
- ResidentialSubstanceAbuseTreatmentFacility = 36
- PsychiatricResidentialTreatmentCenter = 37
- NonresidentialSubstanceAbuseTreatmentFacility = 38
- MassImmunizationCenter = 39
- ComprehensiveInpatientRehabilitationFacility = 40
- ComprehensiveOutpatientRehabilitationFacility = 41
- EndstageRenalDiseaseTreatmentFacility = 42
- PublicHealthClinic = 43
- RuralHealthClinic = 44
- IndependentLaboratory = 45
- OtherPlaceOfService = 46
- Unknown = 0
- Hospital = 1 (H)
- RuralHealthClinic = 2 (R)
- Admitting = 3 (AD)
- Attending = 5 (AT)
- Billing = 6 (BI)
- Consulting = 7 (CO)
- Covering = 8 (CV)
- HomeHealthCare = 9 (HH)
- Laboratory = 10 (LA)
- OtherPhysician = 14 (OT)
- Pharmacist = 15 (P1)
- Pharmacy = 16 (P2)
- PrimaryCarePhysician = 17 (PC)
- Performing = 18 (PE)
- Referring = 21 (RF)
- Submitting = 22 (SB)
- SkilledNursingFacility = 23 (SK)
- Supervising = 24 (SU)
- Unknown = 0
- Minimum = 1
- AcknowledgedQuantity = 2
- QuantityUsed = 3
- UnacknowledgedQuantity = 4
- CoveredActual = 5
- CoinsuredActual = 6
- CoveredEstimated = 7
- NumberOfCoInsuranceDays = 8
- DeductibleBloodUnits = 9
- Days = 10
- Units = 11
- Hours = 12
- LifetimeReserveActual = 13
- LifetimeReserveEstimated = 14
- Maximum = 15
- Month = 16
- NonCoveredEstimated = 17
- NotReplacedBloodUnits = 18
- OutlierDays = 19
- NumberOfServicesOrProcedures = 20
- Prescription = 21
- Patients = 22
- QuantityApproved = 23
- QuantityDisapproved = 24
- AgeHighValue = 25
- AgeLowValue = 26
- Visits = 27
- Years = 28
- FederalMedicareOrMedicaidPaymentMandateCategory1 = 29
- FederalMedicareOrMedicaidPaymentMandateCategory2 = 30
- FederalMedicareOrMedicaidPaymentMandateCategory3 = 31
- FederalMedicareOrMedicaidPaymentMandateCategory4 = 32
- FederalMedicareOrMedicaidPaymentMandateCategory5 = 33
- Unknown = 0
- RequiredDataMissing = 1
- NotAuthorized = 2
- InvalidProviderIdentification = 3
- InvalidProviderName = 4
- InvalidProviderSpecialty = 5
- InvalidProviderPhoneNumber = 6
- InvalidProviderState = 7
- InvalidReferringProviderIdNumber = 8
- ProviderIneligibleForInquiries = 9
- ProviderNotOnFile = 10
- InvalidParticipantId = 11
- InvalidProviderAddress = 12
- PayerNameOrIdentifierMissing = 13
- InvalidPayerIdentification = 14
- InvalidSubscriberIdentification = 15
- InvalidSubscriberBirthDate = 16
- InvalidSubscriberName = 17
- Invalid = 0
- Spouse = 1
- Self = 2
- Child = 3
- Employee = 4
- RelationshipUnknown = 5
- OtherAdult = 6
- OrganDonor = 7
- CadaverDonor = 8
- LifePartner = 9
- OtherRelationship = 10
- Unknown = 0
- Request = 1
- SpendDownRequest = 2
- SpendDownCancellation = 3
- Unknown = 0
- ActiveReserve = 1
- ActiveMilitaryOverseas = 2
- AcademyStudent = 3
- PresidentialAppointee = 4
- ActiveMilitaryUsa = 5
- Contractor = 6
- DishonorablyDischarged = 7
- HonorablyDischarged = 8
- InactiveReserves = 9
- MilitaryLeaveOfAbsence = 10
- PlanToEnlist = 11
- Recommissioned = 12
- RetiredMilitaryOverseas = 13
- RetiredWithoutRecall = 14
- RetiredMilitaryUs = 15
- Unknown = 0
- AirForce = 1
- AirForceReserves = 2
- Army = 3
- ArmyReserves = 4
- CoastGuard = 5
- MarineCorps = 6
- MarineCorpsReserves = 7
- NationalGuard = 8
- Navy = 9
- NavyReserves = 10
- Other = 11
- PeaceCorp = 12
- RegularArmedForces = 13
- Reserves = 14
- USPublicHealthService = 15
- ForeignMilitary = 16
- AmericanRedCross = 17
- DepartmentOfDefense = 18
- UnitedServicesOrganization = 19
- MilitarySealiftCommand = 20
- Unknown = 0
- Admiral = 1
- Airman = 2
- AirmanFirstClass = 3
- BasicAirman = 4
- BrigadierGeneral = 5
- Captain = 6
- ChiefMasterSergeant = 7
- ChiefPettyOfficer = 8
- ChiefWarrant = 9
- Colonel = 10
- Commander = 11
- Commodore = 12
- Corporal = 13
- CorporalSpec4 = 14
- Ensign = 15
- FirstLieutenant = 16
- FirstSergeant = 17
- FirstSergeantMasterSergeant = 18
- FleetAdmiral = 19
- General = 20
- GunnerySergeant = 21
- LanceCorporal = 22
- Lieutenant = 23
- LieutenantColonel = 24
- LieutenantCommander = 25
- LieutenantGeneral = 26
- LieutenantJuniorGrade = 27
- Major = 28
- MajorGeneral = 29
- MasterChiefPettyOfficer = 30
- MasterGunnerySergeantMajor = 31
- MasterSergeant = 32
- MasterSergeantSpec8 = 33
- PettyOfficerFirstClass = 34
- PettyOfficerSecondClass = 35
- PettyOfficerThirdClass = 36
- Private = 37
- PrivateFirstClass = 38
- RearAdmiral = 39
- Recruit = 41
- Seaman = 42
- SeamanApprentice = 43
- SeamanRecruit = 44
- SecondLieutenant = 45
- SeniorChiefPettyOfficer = 46
- SeniorMasterSergeant = 47
- Sergeant = 48
- SergeantFirstClassSpec7 = 49
- SergeantMajorSpec9 = 50
- SergeantSpec5 = 51
- StaffSergeant = 52
- StaffSergeantSpec6 = 53
- TechnicalSergeant = 54
- ViceAdmiral = 55
- WarrantOfficer = 56
- Unknown = 0
- MedicalCare = 1 (1)
- Surgical = 2 (2)
- Consultation = 3 (3)
- DiagnosticXRay = 4 (4)
- DiagnosticLab = 5 (5)
- RadiationTherapy = 6 (6)
- Anesthesia = 7 (7)
- SurgicalAssistance = 8 (8)
- BloodCharges = 12 (10)
- UsedDurableMedicalEquipment = 13 (11)
- DurableMedicalEquipmentPurchase = 14 (12)
- AmbulatoryServiceCenterFacility = 15 (13)
- RenalSuppliesInTheHome = 16 (14)
- AlternateMethodDialysis = 17 (15)
- ChronicRenalDiseaseCrdEquipment = 18 (16)
- PreAdmissionTesting = 19 (17)
- DurableMedicalEquipmentRental = 20 (18)
- PneumoniaVaccine = 21 (19)
- SecondSurgicalOpinion = 22 (20)
- ThirdSurgicalOpinion = 23 (21)
- SocialWork = 24 (22)
- DiagnosticDental = 25 (23)
- Periodontics = 26 (24)
- Restorative = 27 (25)
- Endodontics = 28 (26)
- MaxillofacialProsthetics = 29 (27)
- AdjunctiveDentalServices = 30 (28)
- HealthBenefitPlanCoverage = 31 (30) - the most general value
- Plan Waiting Period = 33 (32)
- Chiropractic = 34 (33)
- ChiropracticOfficeVisits = 35 (34)
- DentalCare = 36 (35)
- DentalCrowns = 37 (36)
- DentalAccident = 38 (37)
- Orthodontics = 39 (38)
- Prosthodontics = 40 (39)
- OralSurgery = 41 (40)
- RoutinePreventiveDental = 42 (41)
- HomeHealthCare = 43 (42)
- HomeHealthPrescriptions = 44 (43)
- HomeHealthVisits = 45 (44)
- Hospice = 46 (45)
- RespiteCare = 47 (46)
- Hospital = 48 (47)
- HospitalInpatient = 49 (48)
- HospitalRoomAndBoard = 50 (49)
- HospitalOutpatient = 51 (50)
- HospitalEmergencyAccident = 52 (51)
- HospitalEmergencyMedical = 53 (52)
- HospitalAmbulatorySurgical = 54 (53)
- LongTermCare = 55 (54)
- MajorMedical = 56 (55)
- MedicallyRelatedTransportation = 57 (56)
- AirTransportation = 58 (57)
- Cabulance = 59 (58)
- Licensed Ambulance = 60 (59)
- GeneralBenefits = 61 (60)
- InVitroFertilization = 62 (61)
- MriCatScan = 63 (62)
- DonorProcedures = 64 (63)
- Acupuncture = 65 (64)
- NewbornCare = 66 (65)
- Pathology = 67 (66)
- SmokingCessation = 68 (67)
- WellBabyCare = 69 (68)
- Maternity = 70 (69)
- Transplants = 71 (70)
- AudiologyExam = 72 (71)
- InhalationTherapy = 73 (72)
- DiagnosticMedical = 74 (73)
- PrivateDutyNursing = 75 (74)
- ProstheticDevice = 76 (75)
- Dialysis = 77 (76)
- OtologicalExam = 78 (77)
- Chemotherapy = 79 (78)
- AllergyTesting = 80 (79)
- Immunizations = 81 (80)
- RoutinePhysical = 82 (81)
- FamilyPlanning = 83 (82)
- Infertility - 84 (83)
- Abortion = 85 (84)
- AIDS = 86 (85)
- EmergencyServices = 87 (86)
- Cancer = 88 (87)
- Pharmacy = 89 (88)
- FreeStandingPrescriptionDrug = 90 (89)
- MailOrder PrescriptionDrug = 91 (90)
- BrandName PrescriptionDrug = 92 (91)
- Generic Prescription Drug = 93 (92)
- Podiatry = 94 (93)
- PodiatryOfficeVisits = 95 (94)
- PodiatryNursingHomeVisits = 96 (95)
- ProfessionalPhysician = 97 (96)
- Anesthesiologist = 98 (97)
- ProfessionalPhysicianVisitOffice = 99 (98)
- ProfessionalPhysicianVisitInpatient = 100 (99)
- ProfessionalPhysicianVisitOutpatient = 101 (A0)
- ProfessionalPhysicianVisitNursingHome = 102 (A1)
- ProfessionalPhysicianVisitSkilledNursingFacility = 103 (A2)
- ProfessionalPhysicianVisitHome = 104 (A3)
- Psychiatric = 105 (A4)
- PsychiatricRoomAndBoard = 106 (A5)
- Psychotherapy = 107 (A6)
- PsychiatricInpatient = 108 (A7)
- PsychiatricOutpatient = 109 (A8)
- Rehabilitation = 110 (A9)
- RehabilitationRoomAndBoard = 111(AA)
- RehabilitationInpatient = 112 (AB)
- RehabilitationOutpatient = 113 (AC)
- OccupationalTherapy = 114 (AD)
- PhysicalMedicine = 115 (AE)
- SpeechTherapy = 116 (AF)
- SkilledNursingCare = 117 (AG)
- SkilledNursingCareRoomAndBoard = 118 (AH)
- SubstanceAbuse = 119 (AI)
- Alcoholism = 120 (AJ)
- DrugAddiction = 121 (AK)
- VisionOptometry = 122 (AL)
- Frames = 123 (AM)
- RoutineExam = 124 (AN)
- Lenses = 125 (AO)
- NonmedicallyNecessaryPhysical = 127 (AQ)
- ExperimentalDrugTherapy = 128 (AR)
- BurnCare = 129 (B1)
- BrandNamePrescriptionDrugFormulary = 130 (B2)
- BrandNamePrescriptionDrugNonFormulary = 131 (B3)
- IndependentMedicalEvaluation = 132 (BA)
- PartialHospitalizationPsychiatric = 133 (BB)
- DayCarePsychiatric) = 134 (BC)
- CognitiveTherapy = 135 (BD)
- MassageTherapy = 136 (BE)
- PulmonaryRehabilitation = 137 (BF)
- CardiacRehabilitation = 138 (BG)
- Pediatric = 139 (BH)
- Nursery = 140 (BI)
- Skin = 141 (BJ)
- Orthopedic = 142 (BK)
- Cardiac = 143 (BL)
- Lymphatic = 144 (BM)
- Gastrointestinal = 145 (BN)
- Endocrine = 146 (BP)
- Neurology = 147 (BQ)
- Eye = 148 (BR)
- InvasiveProcedures = 149 (BS)
- Gynecological = 150 (BT)
- Obstetrical = 151 (BU)
- ObstetricalGynecological = 152 (BV)
- MailOrderPrescriptionDrugBrandName = 153 (BW)
- MailOrderPrescriptionDrugGeneric = 154 (BX)
- PhysicianVisitOfficeSick = 155 (BY)
- PhysicianVisitOfficeWell = 156 (BZ)
- CoronaryCare = 157 (C1)
- PrivateDutyNursingInpatient = 158 (CA)
- PrivateDutyNursingHome = 159 (CB)
- SurgicalBenefitsProfessionalPhysician = 160 (CC)
- SurgicalBenefitsFacility = 161 (CD)
- MentalHealthProviderInpatient = 162 (CE)
- MentalHealthProviderOutpatient = 163 (CF)
- MentalHealthFacilityInpatient = 164 (CG)
- MentalHealthFacilityOutpatient = 165 (CH)
- SubstanceAbuseFacilityInpatient = 166 (CI)
- SubstanceAbuseFacilityOutpatient = 167 (CJ)
- ScreeningXRay = 168 (CK)
- Screeninglaboratory = 169 (CL)
- MammogramHighRiskPatient = 170 (CM)
- MammogramLowRiskPatient = 171 (CN)
- FluVaccination = 172 (CO)
- EyewearAndEyewearAccessories = 173 (CP)
- CaseManagement = 174 (CQ)
- Dermatology = 175 (DG)
- DurableMedicalEquipment = 176 (DM)
- DiabeticSupplies = 177 (DS)
- GenericPrescriptionDrugFormulary = 178 GF)
- GenericPrescriptionDrugNonFormulary = 179 (GN)
- Allergy = 180 (GY)
- IntensiveCare = 181 (IC)
- MentalHealth = 182 (MH)
- NeonatalIntensiveCare = 183 (NI)
- Oncology = 184 (ON)
- PhysicalTherapy = 186 (PT)
- Pulmonary = 187 (PU)
- Renal = 188 (RN)
- ResidentialPsychiatricTreatment = 189 (RT)
- TransitionalCare = 190 (TC)
- TransitionalNurseryCare = 191 (TN)
- UrgentCare = 192 (UC)
- Unknown = 0
- Hour = 1
- Day = 2
- TwentyFourHours = 3
- Years = 4
- ServiceYear = 5
- CalendarYear = 6
- YearToDate = 7
- Contract = 8
- Episode = 9
- Visit = 10
- Outlier = 11
- Remaining = 12
- Exceeded = 13
- NotExceeded = 14
- Lifetime = 15
- LifetimeRemaining = 16
- Month = 17
- Week = 18
- Admission = 19
- Unknown = 0
- No = 1
- NotApplicable = 2
- Yes = 3